Like everything we do, our Medical Ministry takes a more personalized apporach. Julie users her 30+ years as an RN to help in various areas. She is currenlty helping a young nursing student. Julie was able to provide a blood pressure kit, pulse oximeter, glucometer, and other supplies. She also provides encouragement for this young lady. A donor to our ministry is helping her pay the tuition to nursing school.
We have taken nebulizers for children with breathing problems. We have taken basic vitamins to suppliment the rice and beans that they eat on a daily basis. We have purchased medicine from local pharmicies when the family could not afford it.
We have tried to provide basic medical information. For instance, some people are afraid to take Tylenol. They believe that it settles in your intestine and if enough settles there, it will create cancer. They are prone to take blood pressure medicine only when they think it is high (few have a way of actually checking it) instead of as a daily regiment.
Our medical ministry focuses on individual needs. By meeting these needs, we are then given the opportunity to discuss their spiritual needs.